Amapatsa Domestic Cookery Trainers, Bt,
Tel: 0993 853 583, email: debraskoya@yahoo.com
Amitofo Care Centre, Zomba Rd, Blantyre,
Tel: 0999 932 038, 0888 202 099,
email: bransonnj@gmail.com,
Blantyre School of Music, Tel: 0999 339 668,
0888 193 021, 0993 203 628,
email: btschoolofmusic@yahoo.com
British Council, City Centre, Llw,
Tel: 01 773 244/557
Computer Learning Centre, Tel: 01 750 562 / 922 911 / 0991 262 125, 0999 355 075,
Malawi College of Health Sciences Blantyre:
Tel: 01 307 331, 0888 307 331.
Kasungu: Tel: 01 705 411.
Lilongwe:Tel: 0999 199 601.
Mangochi:Tel: 0884 313 766.
Mzuzu: Tel: 0995 363 073. Rumphi:
Tel: 0888 360 600. Zomba:
Tel: 0999 016 692, www.mchs.edu.mw
Montessori Teacher Training Centre, Nyambadwe, BT, 0998 092 940,
email: montessoriteachertraining@gmail.com
Unicaf University, Area 4, Lilongwe,
Tel: 01 755 333,
email: info@unicafuniversity.com,